Adult residents will be able to vote in the elections of the Dutch water boards, even if they don’t have Dutch citizenship. Anyone living in the Netherlands with a valid visa can apply.

What does a water board do?
The Netherlands has 21 water boards. Each water board works to prevent flooding, sanitise sewage water and ensure streams, lakes and fens contain sufficient water to sustain the environment, nature and agriculture.
3 reasons to vote for the water board De Dommel:
1 - Everybody needs water.
In Brabant we are fortunate to have beautiful nature reserves and drinking water of a very high quality. Unfortunately, the availability of sufficient amounts of water and of clean water is no longer guaranteed. Climate change and improper use of water lead to droughts and floods. We need more sustainable water management to have sufficient drinking water and clean water in the future.
2 - We love nature.
Forests, plants, animals and biodiversity: our ecosystem depends on water. We have to take extra measures to protect and safeguard nature and keep our environment healthy and thriving. You can vote for clean water, babbling brooks and strengthening biodiversity now and in the future. And for green spaces for outdoor activities that keep us happy and healthy.
3 - We are worried about climate change and want to protect the earth and our future.
Our climate changes more rapidly than predicted. So we urgently need to speed up sustainable water management and climate adaptation.
Sustainable water management is now one of the main challenges we face. Therefore we kindly urge you to raise your voice and use your right to vote for sustainable water management.
More info on voting